Internet Assist support Slide show post, your Images are here with!

Easy-to-use – Drag and drop images to arrange the slides. Or turn a folder of images into a slideshow with Quick Create. Full of effects – Includes zoom, crop, fade, pan, Ken Burns effect and more to bring your photos to life Enhance your photos – Touch up or enhance your photos and videos with optimization tools Multimedia presentations – Add […]
Single Image standard post

Mauris vel lacus vitae felis vestibulum volutpat. Etiam est nunc, venenatis in, tristique eu, imperdiet ac, nisl. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In iaculis facilisis massa. Etiam eu urna. Sed porta. Suspendisse quam leo, molestie sed, luctus quis, feugiat in, pede. Fusce tellus. Sed metus augue, convallis et, […]
Audio post from Internet Assist

You can post Audio, post production is all stages of audio production relating to sound produced and synchronized with moving picture (film, television, or video). It involves sound design, effects, Foley, ADR, sound editing, audio mixing,
Internet Assist Video Post type

Upload securely and quickly Live stream and auto-archive recorded videos Organize videos into private projects Collaborate on edits with review pages Save and compare version history Instantly publish across social channels Customize and embed videos anywhere Track stats, optimize and replace videos Automatically upload videos with Vimeo for MacOS
Internet Assist Standard Post with Image

another brilliant service form Internet Assist
Internet Assist Gallery slide show post

Feature content in beatiful and fast JavaScript powered slideshow gallery showcases on your WordPress website. You can easily display multiple galleries throughout your WordPress website displaying your custom added slides, slide galleries or showing slides from WordPress posts/pages. The slideshow is flexible, all aspects can easily be configured and embedding/hardcoding the slideshow gallery is a […]